
class Builder
Decred transaction input.
Protobuf type TW.Decred.Proto.TransactionInput


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Creation block height
uint32 blockHeight = 4;
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Index within the block
uint32 blockIndex = 5;
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Reference to the previous transaction's output.
.TW.Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
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Computational script for confirming transaction authorization.
bytes script = 6;
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Transaction version as defined by the sender.
uint32 sequence = 2;
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The amount of the input
int64 valueIn = 3;
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open fun getBlockHeight(): Int
Creation block height
uint32 blockHeight = 4;
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open fun getBlockIndex(): Int
Index within the block
uint32 blockIndex = 5;
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open fun getPreviousOutput(): OutPoint
Reference to the previous transaction's output.
.TW.Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
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open fun getScript(): ByteString
Computational script for confirming transaction authorization.
bytes script = 6;
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open fun getSequence(): Int
Transaction version as defined by the sender.
uint32 sequence = 2;
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open fun getValueIn(): Long
The amount of the input
int64 valueIn = 3;
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Reference to the previous transaction's output.
.TW.Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
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Reference to the previous transaction's output.
.TW.Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
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Creation block height
uint32 blockHeight = 4;
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Index within the block
uint32 blockIndex = 5;
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open fun setPreviousOutput(builderForValue: Builder): Decred.TransactionInput.Builder
Reference to the previous transaction's output.
.TW.Bitcoin.Proto.OutPoint previousOutput = 1;
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open fun setScript(value: ByteString): Decred.TransactionInput.Builder
Computational script for confirming transaction authorization.
bytes script = 6;
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Transaction version as defined by the sender.
uint32 sequence = 2;
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The amount of the input
int64 valueIn = 3;