
class Hedera


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Input data necessary to create a signed transaction.
Protobuf type TW.Hedera.Proto.SigningInput
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Transaction signing output.
Protobuf type TW.Hedera.Proto.SigningOutput
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An exact date and time. This is the same data structure as the protobuf Timestamp.proto
(see the comments in https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto)
Protobuf type TW.Hedera.Proto.Timestamp
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A single transaction. All transaction types are possible here.
Protobuf type TW.Hedera.Proto.TransactionBody
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The ID for a transaction. This is used for retrieving receipts and records for a transaction, for
appending to a file right after creating it, for instantiating a smart contract with bytecode in
a file just created, and internally by the network for detecting when duplicate transactions are
submitted. A user might get a transaction processed faster by submitting it to N nodes, each with
a different node account, but all with the same TransactionID. Then, the transaction will take
effect when the first of all those nodes submits the transaction and it reaches consensus. The
other transactions will not take effect. So this could make the transaction take effect faster,
if any given node might be slow. However, the full transaction fee is charged for each
transaction, so the total fee is N times as much if the transaction is sent to N nodes.
Applicable to Scheduled Transactions:
 - The ID of a Scheduled Transaction has transactionValidStart and accountIDs inherited from the
   ScheduleCreate transaction that created it. That is to say that they are equal
 - The scheduled property is true for Scheduled Transactions
 - transactionValidStart, accountID and scheduled properties should be omitted
Protobuf type TW.Hedera.Proto.TransactionID
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Necessary fields to process a TransferMessage
Protobuf type TW.Hedera.Proto.TransferMessage
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open fun registerAllExtensions(registry: ExtensionRegistryLite)