
class Builder
Input for a swap between source and destination chains; for creating a TX on the source chain.
Protobuf type TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.SwapInput


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Optional affiliate fee destination address.  A Rune address.
string affiliate_fee_address = 9;
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Optional affiliate fee, percentage base points, e.g. 100 means 1%, 0 - 1000, as string. Empty means to ignore it.
string affiliate_fee_rate_bp = 10;
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Optional expirationTime, will be now() + 15 min if not set
uint64 expiration_time = 12;
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Optional extra custom memo, reserved for later use.
string extra_memo = 11;
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Source address, on source chain
string from_address = 2;
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The source amount, integer as string, in the smallest native unit of the chain
string from_amount = 7;
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Source chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset from_asset = 1;
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ThorChain router, only in case of Ethereum source network
string router_address = 6;
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Destination address, on destination chain
string to_address = 4;
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The minimum accepted destination amount.  Actual destination amount will depend on current rates, limit amount can be used to prevent using very unfavorable rates.
string to_amount_limit = 8;
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Destination chain+asset, on destination chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset to_asset = 3;
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ThorChainSwap vault, on the source chain. Should be queried afresh, as it may change
string vault_address = 5;
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Optional affiliate fee destination address.  A Rune address.
string affiliate_fee_address = 9;
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open fun getAffiliateFeeAddressBytes(): ByteString
Optional affiliate fee destination address.  A Rune address.
string affiliate_fee_address = 9;
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Optional affiliate fee, percentage base points, e.g. 100 means 1%, 0 - 1000, as string. Empty means to ignore it.
string affiliate_fee_rate_bp = 10;
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open fun getAffiliateFeeRateBpBytes(): ByteString
Optional affiliate fee, percentage base points, e.g. 100 means 1%, 0 - 1000, as string. Empty means to ignore it.
string affiliate_fee_rate_bp = 10;
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Optional expirationTime, will be now() + 15 min if not set
uint64 expiration_time = 12;
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open fun getExtraMemo(): String
Optional extra custom memo, reserved for later use.
string extra_memo = 11;
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open fun getExtraMemoBytes(): ByteString
Optional extra custom memo, reserved for later use.
string extra_memo = 11;
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Source address, on source chain
string from_address = 2;
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open fun getFromAddressBytes(): ByteString
Source address, on source chain
string from_address = 2;
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open fun getFromAmount(): String
The source amount, integer as string, in the smallest native unit of the chain
string from_amount = 7;
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open fun getFromAmountBytes(): ByteString
The source amount, integer as string, in the smallest native unit of the chain
string from_amount = 7;
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open fun getFromAsset(): Asset
Source chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset from_asset = 1;
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ThorChain router, only in case of Ethereum source network
string router_address = 6;
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open fun getRouterAddressBytes(): ByteString
ThorChain router, only in case of Ethereum source network
string router_address = 6;
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open fun getToAddress(): String
Destination address, on destination chain
string to_address = 4;
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open fun getToAddressBytes(): ByteString
Destination address, on destination chain
string to_address = 4;
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The minimum accepted destination amount.  Actual destination amount will depend on current rates, limit amount can be used to prevent using very unfavorable rates.
string to_amount_limit = 8;
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open fun getToAmountLimitBytes(): ByteString
The minimum accepted destination amount.  Actual destination amount will depend on current rates, limit amount can be used to prevent using very unfavorable rates.
string to_amount_limit = 8;
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open fun getToAsset(): Asset
Destination chain+asset, on destination chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset to_asset = 3;
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ThorChainSwap vault, on the source chain. Should be queried afresh, as it may change
string vault_address = 5;
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open fun getVaultAddressBytes(): ByteString
ThorChainSwap vault, on the source chain. Should be queried afresh, as it may change
string vault_address = 5;
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open fun hasFromAsset(): Boolean
Source chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset from_asset = 1;
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open fun hasToAsset(): Boolean
Destination chain+asset, on destination chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset to_asset = 3;
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Source chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset from_asset = 1;
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Destination chain+asset, on destination chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset to_asset = 3;
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Optional affiliate fee destination address.  A Rune address.
string affiliate_fee_address = 9;
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Optional affiliate fee destination address.  A Rune address.
string affiliate_fee_address = 9;
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Optional affiliate fee, percentage base points, e.g. 100 means 1%, 0 - 1000, as string. Empty means to ignore it.
string affiliate_fee_rate_bp = 10;
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Optional affiliate fee, percentage base points, e.g. 100 means 1%, 0 - 1000, as string. Empty means to ignore it.
string affiliate_fee_rate_bp = 10;
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Optional expirationTime, will be now() + 15 min if not set
uint64 expiration_time = 12;
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Optional extra custom memo, reserved for later use.
string extra_memo = 11;
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Optional extra custom memo, reserved for later use.
string extra_memo = 11;
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Source address, on source chain
string from_address = 2;
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Source address, on source chain
string from_address = 2;
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The source amount, integer as string, in the smallest native unit of the chain
string from_amount = 7;
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The source amount, integer as string, in the smallest native unit of the chain
string from_amount = 7;
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open fun setFromAsset(builderForValue: Builder): THORChainSwap.SwapInput.Builder
Source chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset from_asset = 1;
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ThorChain router, only in case of Ethereum source network
string router_address = 6;
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ThorChain router, only in case of Ethereum source network
string router_address = 6;
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Destination address, on destination chain
string to_address = 4;
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Destination address, on destination chain
string to_address = 4;
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The minimum accepted destination amount.  Actual destination amount will depend on current rates, limit amount can be used to prevent using very unfavorable rates.
string to_amount_limit = 8;
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The minimum accepted destination amount.  Actual destination amount will depend on current rates, limit amount can be used to prevent using very unfavorable rates.
string to_amount_limit = 8;
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open fun setToAsset(builderForValue: Builder): THORChainSwap.SwapInput.Builder
Destination chain+asset, on destination chain
.TW.THORChainSwap.Proto.Asset to_asset = 3;
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ThorChainSwap vault, on the source chain. Should be queried afresh, as it may change
string vault_address = 5;
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ThorChainSwap vault, on the source chain. Should be queried afresh, as it may change
string vault_address = 5;