
class Account

Represents an Account in C++ with address, coin type and public key info, an item within a keystore.


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open fun Account(address: String, coin: CoinType, derivation: Derivation, derivationPath: String, publicKey: String, extendedPublicKey: String)
Creates a new Account with an address, a coin type, derivation enum, derivationPath, publicKey, and extendedPublicKey.


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open fun address(): String
Returns the address of an account.
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open fun coin(): CoinType
Return CoinType enum of an account.
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open fun derivation(): Derivation
Returns the derivation enum of an account.
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Returns derivationPath of an account.
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Returns Base58 encoded extendedPublicKey of an account.
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open fun publicKey(): String
Returns hex encoded publicKey of an account.