
Bitcoin script manipulating functions


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open fun BitcoinScript()
Creates an empty script.
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open fun BitcoinScript(data: Array<Byte>)
Creates a script from a raw data representation.
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open fun BitcoinScript(script: BitcoinScript)
Creates a script from a raw bytes and size.


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Builds a standard 'pay to public key' script.
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Builds a standard 'pay to public key hash' script.
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Builds a standard 'pay to script hash' script.
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Builds a pay-to-witness-public-key-hash (P2WPKH) script..
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Builds a pay-to-witness-script-hash (P2WSH) script.
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open fun data(): Array<Byte>
Get data of a script
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open fun encode(): Array<Byte>
Encodes the script.
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Determines whether 2 scripts have the same content
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open fun hashTypeForCoin(coinType: CoinType): Int
Return the default HashType for the given coin, such as TWBitcoinSigHashTypeAll.
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Determines whether this is a pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) script.
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Determines whether this is a pay-to-witness-public-key-hash (P2WPKH) script.
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Determines whether this is a pay-to-witness-script-hash (P2WSH) script.
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Determines whether this is a witness program script.
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open fun lockScriptForAddress(address: String, coin: CoinType): BitcoinScript
Builds a appropriate lock script for the given address..
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open fun lockScriptForAddressReplay(address: String, coin: CoinType, blockHash: Array<Byte>, blockHeight: Long): BitcoinScript
Builds a appropriate lock script for the given address with replay.
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Matches the script to a pay-to-public-key (P2PK) script.
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Matches the script to a pay-to-public-key-hash (P2PKH).
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Matches the script to a pay-to-script-hash (P2SH).
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Matches the script to a pay-to-witness-public-key-hash (P2WPKH).
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Matches the script to a pay-to-witness-script-hash (P2WSH).
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open fun scriptHash(): Array<Byte>
Return script hash of a script
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open fun size(): Int
Get size of a script