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open fun getComputeUnitLimit(encodedTx: String): String
Try to find a `ComputeBudgetInstruction::SetComputeUnitLimit` instruction in the given transaction, and returns the specified Unit Limit.
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open fun getComputeUnitPrice(encodedTx: String): String
Try to find a `ComputeBudgetInstruction::SetComputeUnitPrice` instruction in the given transaction, and returns the specified Unit Price.
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open fun setComputeUnitLimit(encodedTx: String, limit: String): String
Adds or updates a `ComputeBudgetInstruction::SetComputeUnitLimit` instruction of the given transaction, and returns the updated transaction.
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open fun setComputeUnitPrice(encodedTx: String, price: String): String
Adds or updates a `ComputeBudgetInstruction::SetComputeUnitPrice` instruction of the given transaction, and returns the updated transaction.
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open fun setFeePayer(encodedTx: String, feePayer: String): String
Adds fee payer to the given transaction, and returns the updated transaction.
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open fun updateBlockhashAndSign(encodedTx: String, recentBlockhash: String, privateKeys: DataVector): Array<Byte>
Decode Solana transaction, update the recent blockhash and re-sign the transaction.